Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
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The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (new edition), is the most comprehensive dictionary ever.
* 230,000 words, phrases and meanings — more than any other advanced learner’s dictionary
* 165,000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network.
* Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words.
* Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words.
* Over 65,000 collocations.
* The top 3,000 most frequent words in spoken and written English are highlighted to show which are the most important to know.
* NEW Integrated Collocations Dictionary. Over 65,000 collocations will improve students’ fluency.
* NEW Integrated Thesaurus. Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words will improve vocabulary range.
* NEW Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English.
* Academic Word List highlighted.
* Grammar and warning notes ensure that students avoid common errors.
* NEW text design ensures students can find information fast.
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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
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